Geliebte Technik der 1950er Jahre : Zeitzeugen aus unserem Depot = Favorite technologies of the 1950s : witnesses to the times from our depot / Herausgegeben von = edited by Dirk Bühler und Margherita Lasi

ISBN: 9783940396174
Editor: München : Deutsches Museum, cop. 2010
Descripción Física: 192 p. : il.; 30 cm
Signatura Copia Colección
41/338 7199 Libros modernos desde 1900

The Federal Republic of Germany began to prosper again after World War II and years of reconstruction thanks to technical innovations, ushering in the period known in Germany as the "Wirtschaftswunder" or "economic miracle." The late 1950s in Germany were a colorful time of kidney-shaped tables, petticoats, and Cocktail chairs - witnessing the arrival of technology in private homes: with fully automatic washing machines and hairdryers, toasters and refrigerators, recorder players and television sets.\r\nThe scientific papers in this book describe this decade of cultural-historical development of Germany, and the history of the Deutsches Museum and its collections. The catalog section features selected exhibits from the vast holdings of the museum that reflecf the State of the art of the 1950s. The exhibits cover a host of topics and spheres of life and provide a journey of discovery through our Special fields. We invite you to travel back in time with us to the good old tube radio, to shiny jukeboxes, classic cars, and nostalgic advertising. Wallow in memories and rediscover perhaps long-forgotfen, buf well-loved objects!

Tabla de Contenidos

Wissenschaftliche Breitäge = Essays
Westdeutscher Wiederaufbau Auf dem Weg in die Konsum-Moderne = Reconstruction in West Germany on the road to modern consumerism. Axel Schildt
Amerikanische Einflüsse auf die westdeutsche Konsumentwicklung nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg = American influence on consumer trends in West Germany after World War II. Axel Schildt
Das Deutsche Museum in den 1950er Jahren: Wiederaufbau oder Neuaufbau? = The Deutsche Museum in the 1950s: to rebuild or build anew. Karen Königsberger
Der Frau ihren Kühlschrank, dem Mann seinen Rasierer? Haushaltstechnik in Westdeutschland in den 1950er Jahren = Refrigerator for her, shaver for him? household technology in West Germany in the 1950s. Nina Möllers, Nina Lorkowski, Sophie Gerber
Weiterführende Literatur zum Thema Haushalt in den 1950er Jahren = Further reading on households in the 1950s
Katalogteil = Catalog
Einführung = Introduction
Die Jahre 1950 bis 1959 = The years from 1950 to 1959
Kochen: Erleichterung im Haushalt = Cooking: the automatic household
Wäsche und Körperpflege: Waschen, spülen, schleudern - ein Kinderspiel = Laundry and personal hygiene: wash, rinse, spin - done in a jiffy!
Textilien und Kuntstoffe: Moderne Fasern erobern die Damenbeine = textiles and plastics: modern fibers sheath ladies' legs
Spielzeug: Ein Traum aus Kunstoff - die neuen Naukästen = Toys: a dream made of plastic - the new construction kits
Radios: Möbelstücke und mobile Begleiter = Radios: pieces of furniture and portable companions
Fernsehen: Der Star eines Massenmediums = Television: the start of a mass medium
Elektronische Musikinstrumente: Die Klänge der 1950er = Electronic musical instruments: the sounds of the 1950s
Foto und film: Knipsen und kurbeln = Photo and film: snap and shoot
Bürotechnik: Schreiben, lochen, ablegen = Office technology: write, punch, file
Rechengeräte: Mechanisierung des Rechnens = Calculators: mechanizing arithmetic
Naturwissenschaften: Forscherdrang und Fortschrittsglaube = Natural sciences: intellectual curiosity and the belief in progress
Fahrräder: Mit Muskelkraft zum Ziel = Bicycles: reaching the destination by muscle power
Motorräder: Die Motorisierung des kleinen Mannes = Motorcycles: motorization of the man in the street
Autos: Das Knattern der 1950er = Automobiles: let's go cruisin'
Luftfahrt: Hoch über den Wolken = Aviation: high above the clouds
Danksagung = Acknowledgments
Bildnachweis = Picture credits.

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The Federal Republic of Germany began to prosper again after World War II and years of reconstruction thanks to technical innovations, ushering in the period known in Germany as the "Wirtschaftswunder" or "economic miracle." The late 1950s in Germany were a colorful time of kidney-shaped tables, petticoats, and Cocktail chairs - witnessing the arrival of technology in private homes: with fully automatic washing machines and hairdryers, toasters and refrigerators, recorder players and television sets.\r\nThe scientific papers in this book describe this decade of cultural-historical development of Germany, and the history of the Deutsches Museum and its collections. The catalog section features selected exhibits from the vast holdings of the museum that reflecf the State of the art of the 1950s. The exhibits cover a host of topics and spheres of life and provide a journey of discovery through our Special fields. We invite you to travel back in time with us to the good old tube radio, to shiny jukeboxes, classic cars, and nostalgic advertising. Wallow in memories and rediscover perhaps long-forgotfen, buf well-loved objects!

Tabla de Contenidos

Wissenschaftliche Breitäge = Essays
Westdeutscher Wiederaufbau Auf dem Weg in die Konsum-Moderne = Reconstruction in West Germany on the road to modern consumerism. Axel Schildt
Amerikanische Einflüsse auf die westdeutsche Konsumentwicklung nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg = American influence on consumer trends in West Germany after World War II. Axel Schildt
Das Deutsche Museum in den 1950er Jahren: Wiederaufbau oder Neuaufbau? = The Deutsche Museum in the 1950s: to rebuild or build anew. Karen Königsberger
Der Frau ihren Kühlschrank, dem Mann seinen Rasierer? Haushaltstechnik in Westdeutschland in den 1950er Jahren = Refrigerator for her, shaver for him? household technology in West Germany in the 1950s. Nina Möllers, Nina Lorkowski, Sophie Gerber
Weiterführende Literatur zum Thema Haushalt in den 1950er Jahren = Further reading on households in the 1950s
Katalogteil = Catalog
Einführung = Introduction
Die Jahre 1950 bis 1959 = The years from 1950 to 1959
Kochen: Erleichterung im Haushalt = Cooking: the automatic household
Wäsche und Körperpflege: Waschen, spülen, schleudern - ein Kinderspiel = Laundry and personal hygiene: wash, rinse, spin - done in a jiffy!
Textilien und Kuntstoffe: Moderne Fasern erobern die Damenbeine = textiles and plastics: modern fibers sheath ladies' legs
Spielzeug: Ein Traum aus Kunstoff - die neuen Naukästen = Toys: a dream made of plastic - the new construction kits
Radios: Möbelstücke und mobile Begleiter = Radios: pieces of furniture and portable companions
Fernsehen: Der Star eines Massenmediums = Television: the start of a mass medium
Elektronische Musikinstrumente: Die Klänge der 1950er = Electronic musical instruments: the sounds of the 1950s
Foto und film: Knipsen und kurbeln = Photo and film: snap and shoot
Bürotechnik: Schreiben, lochen, ablegen = Office technology: write, punch, file
Rechengeräte: Mechanisierung des Rechnens = Calculators: mechanizing arithmetic
Naturwissenschaften: Forscherdrang und Fortschrittsglaube = Natural sciences: intellectual curiosity and the belief in progress
Fahrräder: Mit Muskelkraft zum Ziel = Bicycles: reaching the destination by muscle power
Motorräder: Die Motorisierung des kleinen Mannes = Motorcycles: motorization of the man in the street
Autos: Das Knattern der 1950er = Automobiles: let's go cruisin'
Luftfahrt: Hoch über den Wolken = Aviation: high above the clouds
Danksagung = Acknowledgments
Bildnachweis = Picture credits.

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