Juan Fernández de Velasco and the engineers : power networks and scientific exchanges between Spain and Italy / Margarita Ana Vázquez Manassero

por Vázquez Manassero, Margarita Ana

Descripción Física: P. 87-104
Signatura Copia Colección
12403 Capítulo en monografía
Tabla de Contenidos

The sixth constable of Castile and the engineers (ca. 1592-1600)
The sixth constable of castile, gabrio busca and the circulation of scientific-technical knowledge


Bibliografía: p. 102-104

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Fundación Juanelo Turriano 12403
Tabla de Contenidos

The sixth constable of Castile and the engineers (ca. 1592-1600)
The sixth constable of castile, gabrio busca and the circulation of scientific-technical knowledge


Bibliografía: p. 102-104

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